Friday , 26 July 2024
Breaking News

What’s the Best Feature from .NET CORE?

Have you ever heard about .NET CORE? Some people are maybe not familiar with this, but the rest of them (especially for them who are always deal with computer and internet) maybe know about .NET CORE. .NET CORE is a modular and also a high performance as an implementation of .NET. This is used for creating the web applications and …

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What’s Best Feature from IIS 8.5

It is always interesting to talk about the best feature from a new thing, such as from IIS 8.5. IIS or Internet Information Services or Internet Information Server is an HTTP web server that is used in a Windows operation system server; it is started from the Windows NT 4.0 and many more. Now, the IIS 8.5 is coming some …

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Building New Dynamic Site with ASP.NET

Dynamic website is important for each website owners because in fact website like this is much better, easier and more effective as well. If your website needs quick and easy dynamic data processor without needing to write a lot of codes, the thing that you need is the Visual Studio 2008 or the Visual web developer 2008 express. You can …

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Is Joomla Good to Use These Days?

Joomla is one of the most populer CMS that is used by a lot of people in this world. However, there is a question that comes from some people about Joomla. Generally, they always ask as if Joomla good to use these days is. Maybe it is depended on the needs of each user. Below we will explain many things …

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Should We Activate Automatic Update in WordPress?

Automatic Update in WordPress is a feature that is owned by WordPress CMS. Somehow, it can give some benefits for us and it can be annoying as well. The benefit that we can get from this feature is that we can increase the security aspects in WordPress from any problems or threats that we are never expected. However, this automatic …

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What’s the Good and Bad from New WordPress 4.7

WordPress 4.7 is the newest type from WordPress that was released sometime in 2016. Some experts agreed that it is a major release that was done by WordPress in that year. Why? It is because we can find many exciting features on this version. These exciting features are the good they? Below is the further explanation. The Good things from …

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New Technology from ASP.NET

ASP.NET, have you ever heard about that? For them who always worked with computer, internet and website or blog, ASP.NET is maybe a familiar thing. ASP.NET is the newest development from Microsoft Active Server Pages or ASP and it is a new and reliable server side server technology to make a dynamic website page. That is why; ASP.NET becomes the …

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How to Set Email Forwarding On Smartermail

How to Set Email Forwarding with or without Deleting the Original Email Message Smartermail is a feature that is usually used by hosting provider in running the email application. For some reasons, many users may have to forward the incoming message to their Smarterail account to the other email account. Actually, users can set the email forwarding to e automatically …

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Daily Maintenance for your Dedicated Mail Server

Maintenance, especially daily maintenance is important for any servers, included the dedicated mail server. These daily maintenance can prevent dedicated mail server from any problems like a server failure and also the server crash. That is why; having maintenance, especially the daily maintenance is essential. Below is some daily maintenance for your dedicated mail server that is really important to …

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How to Avoid your Mail Server from Blacklist

Avoid Mail Server from Blacklist In the previous article we already explained about the reason why mail server keeps being marked as spam. Actually, there are some tips that we can do to avoid the mail server from blacklist. Below are some of those tips: First of all, make sure that your email is included to the inbox folder and …

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Why Mail Server Keep Being Marked as Spam

Mail Server Keep Being Marked as Spam Why sometimes your email was included to a spam folder so that the email owner will not know that you had already sent an email? This is a problem that sometimes occurred. For this condition, there are some reasons that you can notice. Below is the further explanation. Mail Server is noticed as …

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What’s CDN and how it Works

Have you ever heard about CDN? CDN is an important feature especially for website optimizing. Furthermore, this is an effective way to make a website is faster. Below is the definition of CDN and the explanation of how it works that we will share for you. The Definition of CDN CDN or Content Delivery Network is a server network that …

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Instant Website Builder for the Easy Way to Have a Great Website

Have you ever made a website? Maybe some of you were not experiencing in making a website yet. If you wanted to learn in how to make a website, we have interesting information about website builder. What is this actually? Website builder is a certain device that wills possibly you to make a web page in an easy way even …

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SSL Certificate for Increasing your SEO

SSL Certificate Google is now having a huge ambition to make any websites is much safer than before. Lately, Google announced that now a website is better for using HTTPS or SSL for the SEO aspect. In the other words we can say that SSL is an essential factor to make Google trusts your website and recommends your website to …

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Why Ecommerce Site Needs SSL Certificate

Why ecommerce site needs SSL certificate? Before answering this question, it is better for us to understand about the definition of SSL first. SSL or Secure Socket Layer is a security protocol that will secure all the kinds of transactions on your website, from the website access up to the sensitive transaction like an online shopping registration, email up to …

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