Tuesday , 22 October 2024
Breaking News

How to Get Your CMS Site to be more secured

CMS Security System The most important factor that is considered to some businessmen about their website is not only about the benefits, but also protection. It is reasonable because we always heard that a website is hacked by stranger and it cannot be operated again. That is why; we have to know some tips in how to get your CMS …

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SEO Suggestion for 2017

Search Engine Optimization SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most important factors that you have to consider, especially if you had and manage a website. In fact, the SEO strategy is mostly changing from years to years. In the other words we can say that some of SEO strategies on 2016 are not appropriate to be used …

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Sitelock to Protect Your Site from Malware

Securing your website is really essential. It can avoid your site from any hackers and it can increase your website reputation as well. Sitelock, is a security feature that can be used for securing your website from any malwares and some other problems. What is sitelock? Sitelock is a security service that is focused more in how to give any …

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The Difference between Cloud Server and VPS

Maybe, most people still confuse in understanding about the differences between Cloud server and VPS. It can be seen on some forums in which many companies use these terms as the same meaning especially on a virtual server. In fact, cloud server and VPS are two different things. What are the differences between these two? Below is the further explanation …

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Finding Hosting for Kentico

What is Kentico? Kentico is a CMS that stands under Microsoft by using the language of ASP.NET. So that what is the different between Kentico and Joomla? That different is really clear to see. The different is from the language that is used. Kentico uses the ASP.NET language; meanwhile Joomla uses the PHP language. Besides that, Kentico is made by …

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Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year 2017

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year 2017 Get the benefit from SeekDotNet.com by order Shared Hosting Plans, Reseller Hosting Plans, Sharepoint Hosting Plans, and Cloud Hosting Plans for 12 months or above and you will get FREE 4 months. Valid until 11th January 2017. For new order only and don’t miss it! Click here …

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Try to Upgrade DotNetNuke to New DotNetNuke Version 8.0.3

In the previous article, we had already informed that one of some ways to secure your website is by doing the upgrade, especially for the software that is used. This case is also could be used for DotNetNuke. What is DotNetNuke? DotNetNuke is an open source CMS / content management system and it uses the VB.NET Language. Applications from this …

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ASP.NET CMS for your Online Store

An online store website design has to have the important features to ensure the customers in having the most comfortable feeling while they are shopping. One of the best ways for online store is by using the ASP.NET CMS. This CMS will possibly the company for installing and running a content management method that is really efficient to ensure that …

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What CMS that Suits to Company Sites

CMS or Content Management System is used by many types of sites, from the personal sites up to the company sites. Today on this article, we will talk more about the CMS that suits to Company Sites. As we know that there are various CMS that we can see at the present time. In fact, there are three different CMS …

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How to Market Your Blog Effectively Without Wasting Time

Blog is an important tool to develop a business, especially for a small business. Marketing blog is not an easy thing to do. Actually, there are so many ways that are offered to market your blog with a really effective way. Actually you can choose on from those ways that is mostly suited you. One of those ways is by …

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How to Increase Blog Traffic, Subscribers and Social Sharing of Content

It is always interesting for discussing the ways to increase blog traffic, isn’t it? Yes, increasing the blog traffic is maybe not an easy thing to do, especially if you were a newcomer on this blogging world. However, you have to be not worried because below are some tips that you can do to increase you blog’s traffic. Increase the …

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6 Tips for Writing Great Content for Your Blog

Getting a lot of visitors for our blog is not an easy thing. One of the ways that we can do is by making some great contents. Actually, there is no rule in making content for a blog. It depends on each person’s style. However, there are 6 tips that you can do to write a great and effective content …

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Top Reasons on Why Your Business Needs to Start Blogging

Nowadays, there are some businesses that use blog as one of their weapons in promoting their business. This is reasonable because there are some concrete advantages that you can take for your business. Below are some top reasons why you have to start making content on a regular basis for a blog on your website. 1. It is a key …

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How to Get More Readers to Your WordPress Blog

Having a blog (or more than one blog) with a lot of readers is just like a dream and this is essential for every blogger. However, in fact, getting more readers is not a piece of cake. You have to do some right things to make your blog is busier than before. Below are some tips for you to get …

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Tips for Maintaining your Dedicated Server Hosting Maintenance

Server is should be in an up to date condition and free of some issues that are related with security aspect. That is why; maintenance is an important thing to do for the management server. Below are some easy tips for you to maintain the dedicated server hosting. Do not forget to do Backup If you saved so many important …

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