Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

Prevent CMS Program from Hackers

In this post, I will guide you on how to protect your CMS from hacking. This is to prevent irresponsible people to use your website for useless things. Protect your Website First of all, check the updates of your plugins on your CMS web pages. Are they all being used frequently or not? Are they really useful or not? Are …

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Dealing with Error Messages in CMS

If you have done some installations of applications, features, or extensions in CMS, sometimes you will read this kind of message: An error has occured. 0 DateTime::_construct() [datetime.—construct]: Failed to parse time string (error) at position 0 (j): The time zone could not be found. How to make it disappears if it keeps disturbing? Let us check the writer’s suggestions …

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Modifying Categories for your Blogs Using CMS

Content management system (CMS) is very useful and flexible even for your personal blogging activities. You can select a CMS based on what language it is built in, what entry or what content you are going to display on it. Also, it can also depend on how advanced you need it to be or who is going to use the …

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The Benefits of Short and Simple Domain Name

Having a domain name that reflects the products you offer is actually good. Having a domain name that is too general to use is actually unattractive. Picking the domain names should not only show what the company will offer to all of the customers but also the name should be attractive in order to make the people feel interested to …

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Selling your Talents through Online Stores

Who says that online stores is merely about selling products which are concrete? Well, open up your mind and start to think out of the box! Are you able to paint? Can you translate languages well? Are you an expert in designing either in fashion or website world? Or, do you have any other talents which you think you can …

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Provide your Online Store with Imported Products

Congratulations! Now you have many customers for your online stores. But, do not get satisfied easily! Keep developing your business and gain many more customers than you have already had recently. One of many things to improve your stores is by selling foreign products. Here, I will tell you some things to be considered about ordering and re-selling them. Check …

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How To Be a Smart Buyer When Shopping Online

Have you already given up in searching for stuffs you want at any department stores? Or maybe you are still not satisfied with the quality or price? If you nodded, then the writer suggests that you should start to browse and get them through online stores. Do not immediately pessimistic about it just because you can not observe the products …

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How to Face Irresponsible Buyers in Online Stores

We know a famous statement which says that ‘Your satisfaction is our main purpose.’ Or ‘Your smile is our smile.’ Yes, those are slogans which sellers often utter on their products. So, when you build online stores, make sure that you really make those slogans as actions, not only as words. But, do those slogans mean that we have to …

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Work at Home with Online Store

What way do you think is the most efficient for working? Is it by running businesses through companies or being the manager of your own businesses? How do you usually increase the income? Is it promoting directly through telling your relations or broadcasting them via media? Have you ever experienced how to earn your income through online stores? I suggest …

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Choose Your CMS

There are many types of CMS since the program is very flexible and useful to be applied either for business, personal blogging, or promotion. There are many free application of CMS, also there are some of them which have installed script provided, so all you have to do is just register and start to use it. It is pretty easy …

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4 Major Factors When Developing a Site

A great business site is not an extravagance. It is your mark character on the web. It should motivate trust and conjure the yearning to work together. Consequently, paying little respect to if your work together straightforwardly through your site or not, you can’t and must not endure a poor website design. Listed below are the major characteristics that help …

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The Advantages of Zen Cart for Online Stores

The Zen cart is the latest attraction in the world of technology and in the creation of an e-commerce website. But the Zen cart has not become an essential but on the other hand if you want a remarkable website which is fully furnished with the latest fashion then Zen cart is necessary. It is originally a PHP shopping cart …

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Advantages You Will Get from Using PHP Framework

You will appreciate how useful PHP framework when issues appear while developing a web application with complex business logic, database back-end and rich user interface. Features like page security, user accounts, database connectivity, group permissions, character encoding, form validation and so on are vital issues that need to be take into account. Methods and classes are represented to improve productivity …

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Web Technology: How to Choose a Reliable Web Hosting Company?

 Do you want to make money online? Have you found the reliable web hosting company for your website? If not, read this article. It will help you on how to choose a reliable web hosting company for your site. Webhosting are very vital for your online business. They are responsible in making your website visible and functional. It is one …

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How to Create a Successful Viral Marketing Campaign

  Through the progress of social media, everything you posted on the internet can be shared and seen by people from different countries, different cultures across the world. Some create positive impacts; some can make your world turn upside down. So how to earn positive impacts from viral marketing, instead of the negatives? First, let see what Viral means. According …

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