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The Difference between Cloud Server and VPS

Maybe, most people still confuse in understanding about the differences between Cloud server and VPS. It can be seen on some forums in which many companies use these terms as the same meaning especially on a virtual server. In fact, cloud server and VPS are two different things. What are the differences between these two? Below is the further explanation about that.

The Definition of VPS

VPS is also called the Virtual private Server and sometime it is also called node. VPS got its name from a shared physical server or node that is divided into some smaller virtual slice server. Each of these slices will be sold to the different users and then it will be used by users. A traditional VPS system can only run an operation server in every physical server. All VPS users on the same physical server will use the same operation system as well. Usually, VPS provider uses a technology that is called container for isolating some users in a single server. VPS can be used by users for making an e-commerce site, web database driven or even for running the social media. VPS is maybe the best option in certain case, especially when users are not ready to use exclusive dedicated server because it is too expensive. However, VPS also has some bad things like the crash program system that sometimes happened and many other again.

Cloud Server, the Newest Hosting Technology

Yes, we can say that cloud server or cloud hosting is a brand new hosting technology at the present time. Unfortunatelay, many web hosting providers seemed still make it as a difficult thing. Some bad providers are even said that VPS and cloud server are two identical things in virtual server and the only thing that differ them is only price. Usually, it happened because of some reasons and one of those reasons is that those providers don’t have a good cloud computing infrastructure. What is cloud server actually? This is an example of virtual server that provides users with a dedicated set and it is protected by energy resource of the machine. At cloud server infrastructure, we can say that it is really isolated from the other; it provides users with on demand scale ability. In the other words we can also say that cloud server will let users to have more control on their environment. It will have some positive impacts for users such as:

  • Users will have a higher work attitude and result
  • Users will have deeper configuration
  • Stronger isolation
  • More guarantee for security system.

Those are some differences that we can find on cloud server and VPS. From the explanation above it is clear VPS and Cloud server are two different things and you can choose one that suitable with your needs and budgets. However, if you asked which one is the best, VPS or cloud server? Many people maybe will say that cloud server is better.

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