Tuesday , 22 October 2024
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Dealing with Error Messages in CMS

If you have done some installations of applications, features, or extensions in CMS, sometimes you will read this kind of message: An error has occured. 0 DateTime::_construct() [datetime.—construct]: Failed to parse time string (error) at position 0 (j): The time zone could not be found. How to make it disappears if it keeps disturbing? Let us check the writer’s suggestions about this matter!

Ways to Get Rid of Error Messages

Many other sites said that those error notifications appear just because we have not set the location or the time zone. So, first of all, check them. Are the locations and the time zone really not being set properly? If you have already finished in setting them, you should pay attention on some other components of your CMS. Check on your Directory Permission. Is it writeable or not? If not, then change it into writeable mode first. If you are connected to hosting server in C-Panel, you can open File Manager first, then edit the directory logs and tmp sections into triple seven. If it still does not work, change the setting into public read and write.

After that, open the System menu of CMS, then find the System Information. In System Information, you will see a Tab Directory Permission. If it is already writeable and can be accessed properly, then check on your plugins. Scan all of them, just in case your plugins applications contain some viruses when you download them. In addition, you should also filter them first. Are all those plugins really useful? If not, then you can simply delete them.

Next, check the capacity of your memory. Is it almost reached the limit already? If yes, then you should filter what you really need and what you actually do not need. It seems less important, but actually, the memory of your PC plays crucial role in order to run CMS application fluently. If it is spacious enough, then your application can be run comfortably.

Finally, you should re-scan or re-install the application, just in case there are some parts which have not been downloaded or installed yet. Also, you should check on your web hosting type. For example, if you need to do many activities using CMS, you should choose the individual not the shared hosting one because it can reduce the speed, or even produces error as a result.


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