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Tag Archives: social media

Hashtags and Tweets Strategy for E-Commerce Marketing

Twitter is a popular social media everyone knows much. From Obama, Justin Bieber to Britney Spears, they have and use Twitter. With million followers, they share update news or have conversation with the fans, it makes Twitter become a very important place for us. On Twitter, hashtags and tweets take a very important part for e-commerce marketing. You don’t have …

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Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites

When it comes to digital marketing, the existence of social media is one of important tools to achieve your marketing goals. Through social media, you can build the awareness of your brand, promote it, get close with customers and potential customers and of course increase the sales. There are many social media websites that you can use as one of …

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3 Simple Tips for Digital Marketing on a Budget

For every company, marketing is one of important task to do to make the business run smoothly. Big companies usually spend great amount of money for marketing division, but how about the start-ups which has low or even no budget for marketing? Well, at this rate where internet plays big part in our live, you can use them as your …

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3 Newest SEO Myths in 2014

Are you still looking for the best SEO practice to your site? Well, actually there is no certain SEO practice that will give best results out of all. Honestly, you can find your very own SEO strategy that works best for your website. You have to test the ideas constantly on your site to see the real outcome. If you …

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How to Promote Your Brand with a Blog

We are social media generation, we must confess that. Now every time we promote something, our friends or followers will know and see our promotion. Although we’re not a very great businessman but actually social media is one of the luckiest thing we can have where we can make easy promotion strategic without spend any big budgets. Now, blog is …

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10 Pinterest Marketing Tips for Beginner

Pinterest is no longer underdog in social media market because this simple yet powerful social media is getting popular these days. Same like Instagram, the popularity of Pinterest is rising because people like visual more than just plain text when it comes to promote your product / services. By the way, if you still really new with this social network, …

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