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Tag Archives: cms

What Is DotNetNuke CMS?

Recently, the world has been showered with high-technology products in every field. This means that every person who enters businesses has been benefiting mostly from the internet world. Wondering why online business is preferable? Scroll down and find out why people are craving for internet business compared to the traditional business means. An online business certainly needs great websites. Great …

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.NET Forge – A Robust CMS For Small & Medium-Sized Business

The .NET technology is now has a new comer in its array of content management system (CMS), it is the .NET Forge CMS. The new CMS is a professional platform that comes with e-commerce means, ORM tools and MVC architecture that had been tried out in large projects. The .NET Forge from Bitrix is an ideal CMS for blogging, online …

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How to Choose The Best-Suited CMS

There are a variety of content management system (CMS) out there, each one of them were designed to meet different needs. Thus, there is no the best CMS because they all have advantages and disadvantages. Choosing which CMS to use that will suit your requirement may be a little daunting. As CMS responsible for your website design and content management, …

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Sitefinity CMS – A Great Tool For Marketing

  Marketing is the key element of high sales and high profit. You have to have good marketing techniques to gain customers interest to eventually purchase your products. An efficacious marketing technique need to be supported with a good data management. You don’t want to lose your customers data, do you? Within the business website you run, customers data and …

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SharePoint and Business Management

  The launch of Microsoft SharePoint may be able to properly scope company initiatives. Although SharePoint won’t solve all of a firm’s issues because it is only a resource, the content management system has features that can provide increased business value over the earlier process. On the other hand, lots of established vendors have additional features that Microsoft must compete …

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Is CMS Better Than Conventional Web Development?

  Is CMS Better Than Conventional Web Development? Developing easy to use and helpful websites is perhaps the most important factor of being a profitable internet marketer and online entrepreneur. After all, readers come to your website for one of two reasons only – to find useful details or sources, or to possibly purchase products or services. Moreover, you will …

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