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Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Advantages of SugarCRM

Relatively new open-source solution, SugarCRM has gained much attention from corporate and business people to reorganize their management process. SugarCRM, stands for Customer Relationship Management, system provides tools that will be very effective for integrating information system. This is why SugarCRM gains more and more popularity among corporate and business website developers. Company’s management needs an information system to plan …

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.NET Forge – A Robust CMS For Small & Medium-Sized Business

The .NET technology is now has a new comer in its array of content management system (CMS), it is the .NET Forge CMS. The new CMS is a professional platform that comes with e-commerce means, ORM tools and MVC architecture that had been tried out in large projects. The .NET Forge from Bitrix is an ideal CMS for blogging, online …

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Blogging With MojoPortal

Early on the beginning, mojoPortal was intended for building a business website but as interests grow rapidly, more and more users look for mojoPortal as CMS for creating blogs. mojoPortal is an open source that runs in .NET platform, uses C# and already has many followers. Mostly, because it is easy to install and update, also it has fast performance. …

Read More » Launches New Control Panel: Install Wide-Range of E-Commerce Software Easily, a reputable web hosting company today launches control panel which supports the installation of various e-commerce software applications. Current economic crisis has forced many people to seek for extra income to support their daily life. Many are turning to online business and becoming entrepreneurs. The new entrepreneurs come from different backgrounds, from father who lost his job to …

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Why Do You Want to Use BlogEngine?

  What is BlogEngine? BlogEngine.NET is an open source .NET blogging project that was born out of desire for a better blog platform. A blog platform with less complexity, easy customization, and one that takes advantage of the latest .NET features. BlogEngine.NET was designed using the current .NET framework and focused on simplicity, ease of extendibility, and innovative features. With …

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