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Monthly Archives: October 2011

How Do Search Engines Work?

  To best employ SEO techniques so that your site can attain higher page rank, you should first learn how the search engine works. There are some search engines out there, with Google leads the competition, most of them are crawler based search engines while some may be on human compiled directories. Search engines work by bringing up the most …

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Automatic Refresh data on page using AJAX Update Panel

    You can automatic refresh data on an ASP.NET page after a certain interval using AJAX UpdatePanel and other controls. I am using some Ajax controls and using SQL server database and Data Grid control. Database name is north wind. In this application my interval time for refresh data is 60 second. We can change your time by times …

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The Pros and Cons of CMS

There are always pros and cons of each and every CMS. Each CMS is different so the pros and cons are different for each and every one of them. One thing may work in one cms but won’t work in another. Php Fusion Php Fusion is a great starter cms.  If you are just starting with a cms, this may …

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What is Silverlight Report?

    Due to the rapid advancement in technology, life is getting easier and easier with advanced innovations and enormous changes. Gone are the days when charts were made and presented on chart papers or graph papers manually. Today, net charts are gaining lot of importance as they are most popular server scripted programming language to display various relevant charts …

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Reseller Web Hosting – 3 Essential Steps in Selecting Reseller Hosting Package

  Things to watch out when selecting a Reseller Hosting package When you are hunting for that reseller host that fits your need, you must take care to research the host’s reliability and read reviews from previous customers.You will want to take a look at the various reviews coming from the experience customers who have purchased the particular reseller hosting …

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Forum Web Hosting with Simple Machines Forum

  SMF – Another popular forum hosting softwares On last post, we posted out an detailed information of the features for phpBB, one of the favorite forum software. As recommended by other webmasters and users, Simple Machine Forum are also well known of its great features of forum platform. Here are some of the SMF features Simple Machines Forum — …

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