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Monthly Archives: August 2011

How to Protect Your Joomla Admin from Hackers

It is becoming more popular for hackers to try to brute force attack your Joomla administrator to gain access to your administrator. Using this method they bombard your admin form with thousands of usernames/password until they find the right combination. Since Joomla doesn’t let you choose the admin username when installing they already know the username, this makes it twice …

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How to Redirecting Name Server from WordPress

After sometimes blogging on WordPress you decided to take a bigger step. You decided to have a site with your own domain name. So, how exactly do this with your WordPress blog? First, you need to redirect the name server to your preferred hosting company so your new website active. Than you can type in your domain name and it …

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How to Choose the Type of Hosting

Between so many options of web hosting company, you probably don’t have hard time choosing the right one for your website. For you who are internet beginners, choosing a type of hosting to be used on your website can lead to a headache. There are several types of hosting but now we are going to discuss 4 of them. Once …

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SEO – Between Facts or Myths

A lot of ethical search engine marketing will take your money by making false promises without any hesitation. Here are some of the main SEO myths: Top ten ranking in the search engines can be guaranteed Most SEO companies will announce a guarantee that listed the top ten ranking. None other than the search engines one can guarantee any ranking. …

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The Differences of ASP.NET, MySql and Php Web Hosting

Choosing between LINUX web hosting and Windows web hosting is an intimidating task. You should know the language of the site, prior to which platform, or what type of Server you need. Linux web hosting is best suited for a simple HTML site or an ecommerce site, or other programming-database feature created in php mysql. If your site is an …

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Mambo Hosting: One of the Best Open Source CMS

Mambo CMS is a full-featured, award-winning, multi functional Open Source application for creating websites. It is the engine behind your website that simplifies the creation, management, and sharing of content. It provides extensive options to create your own website without any design or script programming knowledge. It is free to use and has a great community support. It is used …

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[email protected] strysko