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WordPress Blog – It’s About Human Optimization Too

Probably the most important decision you have to do when working with your WordPress blog is the appearance.  Remember the WP theme you choose will be the first impression you make on your visitors, so you want to make a good and lasting impression.  A gripping theme of WP get visitors to stay, read its contents and buy their products.

We often concentrate much of our attention on search engine optimization that we forget the optimization of our blogs for our readers. Search engines do not click ads or buy our products – which is our human readers who do that. SEO will help get more visitors to your blog, but if your blog is in poor condition, difficult to navigate, or just bored, visitors will quickly move to something else.

If you make a terrible first impression, no matter what the content is, because everyone has gone before reading even one of their words carefully.

Choosing a Theme for WordPress

There are many free WordPress themes around. A common mistake is to choose only one item at random from the first page of items available, so you can go ahead with the development of their products or textual content.

Its theme of the blog is the highlight of your blog. The issue is what your visitors see first and we will continue seeing each post, page, comments and in fact every word in your WP blog. Choosing an appropriate topic will improve your blog content and make visiting your blog a pleasant experience for human readers. Choosing the wrong topic decreases the content of the blog and may cause readers to leave because of a poor user experience.

In my opinion, is well worth spending time and effort in choosing a theme for WP quality. Here are some things to consider when choosing a theme for WordPress:

1. Easy to read

Font size

A common mistake is to use a theme with the sources that are too small. Try reading a text is very small and their eyes get tired more easily. Make things simple and comfortable for his readers. Use a font size enough that ordinary mortals can process the contents of your blog without developing eyestrain and headaches.


Do not choose a theme for WordPress that has many colors, colors or shock too. This will distract  readers and makes  content hard read. Choose a background theme that suits the content of your blog. A dark background is good for blogs that contain a lot of videos or pictures. Remove the dark background colors in your images and make them look more attractive. However, it is easier to read text on a light background. If you are publishing the entire text content, it is best to choose a theme for WPs light and just put a dark border around the images to your blog.

Fixed width

There are two general classes of WP blog themes – fixed width or variable width. A variable width theme that expand or contract your blog based on the browser of your reader. A fixed width theme has a predefined width will always remain the same size, regardless of the browser window. Initially, it may seem a matter of variable width is superior because it can adapt flexibly to the environment of your reader. However, a variable issue has two major weaknesses:

a) It is hard for human readers to process long lines of text.

You can try this. Set your browser window to full screen and then activate the classic theme of WP which is the width variable. After reading some of the content on your blog, change the default theme is fixed width. They provide a reading experience better?

b) It is difficult to properly design a page with a variable width.

Designs of variable width in general do not allow fixed position elements. A variable width design more complex design problems have deep below, and you should be able to fit any size browser window. The last control, the most popular are fixed width.

2. Widget ready

Widgets are a powerful part of your WP blog.  By adding widgets, you can integrate the most common in your blog without writing it yourself, from scratch.

Do you really want to choose a theme for WP which is flash ready, i.e. containing one or more areas for you to add the widgets of your choice.  WP themes which offer a greater number of areas flash (for example, the subject matter) are easy to customize and give your blog a unique look. Remember not to overload the visual design blog with many players. Filling in all subject areas available widgets. However, an issue more widgets open the flexibility to place the selected widgets in a large number of locations.

WP themes that are not ready flash will be much more limited unless you are comfortable creating and adding flash areas on the issue by editing the CSS and PHP files in the template.

3. Customizable

You want to choose a theme for WP that allows you to make some kind of visual customization. At least, you want the ability to change the header image to something more appropriate for the content of your blog. If a WP theme does not allow visual customization, then it is likely that:

a) You do not have a very unique blog.
b) The design of your blog does not really reflect the content of your blog.

A gentle, not only blog, suggests not only soft content, and many readers may be left on the basis of that alone. The bad news is that most free WP themes have only a very limited capacity measure. Any customization truth, usually require modifying the theme CSS, HTML and PHP code. Other options are buying a custom-designed theme, buying a quality issue, or use a generator issue. These options can be expensive and do not provide a cheap and easy to do incremental and continuous customization blog.

Last word on WordPress Themes

WordPress is a very useful platform for your blogs because it is open source and can do almost everything you want with it. For example, you can integrate WP blog with static web pages so you can use WP to manage and filter the comments of your static website.

You can also edit a WP theme and make it look and do what you want. I found that there is great flexibility in the WP system and a set of very useful API. If you want to start doing some editing WP theme, start learning CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This alone, can achieve much more in customizing your WP blog. Start with a flexible WP theme and create a simple theme with only one child style.css file.

To obtain your hosting plan for WordPress hosting account, log on to ASP.NET web hosting providers, at for more information.

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