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3 Web Hosting Issues That Can Affect Your SEO

Getting your own website published is really easy nowadays. You don`t have to master all the coding stuff because there are many affordable web hosting packages available and you can choose it based on your need and budget. The offers look almost similar, but they have some hidden issues that you won`t notice if you are really have no basic knowledge about hosting. For example, some of web hosting issues can affect negatively to your Google rankings. Some of them can affect your SEO method really bad and you also always have possibility to get your website hacked.


So far, we have collected three web hosting issues that can affect, perhaps kill your SEO implementation on your website. All of these things we are going to explain can impact negatively to your Google ranking. So you better watch your web hosting very carefully to avoid such thing to happen.

Slow site speed

Site speed is definitely a big factor for Google rank. You may not notice it or even neglect it. Huge images, third parties element and lot of scripts can slow your site. Animations, widgets even social media like Facebook elements can slow down your site. The analytic SEO tools used in your website also can cause slow speed. To test your website speed, you can use Google Webmaster Tools or by Pingdom Tools. When you get the number of your site speed and surprisingly lower than what you think, that`s the sign that you have to re-organize widgets or perhaps minimize the analytic tools you used.


This kind of web hosting issue might not really visible to webmasters. Downtime in your web hosting server is just something you can`t control, but you can choose better hosting provider to minimize possibility of downtime. This is because no matter how high you rank in Google, but once your website down for few days, Google will automatically remove your site from their index. This means you can lost your rank in matter of days and even the hosting is back up, you can`t get your lost ranking automatically. Google will flag you as unreliable resource and give lower rank to your website.

Data base connection failures

When you often encounter message like ‘internal server error’ or ‘database connection filed’ it means that your website has lost connection to your server database. Imagine if this happen when many people like your content and want to read it but your site display ‘internal server error’, what will they do? They won`t visit your site again or flagged yours as unreliable website because of this error message. This failure can happen because too many users are accessing the same data at a time, so it leads to crash. That`s why you need reliable web hosting.

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