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Tag Archives: wordpress

The Pros and Cons of CMS

There are always pros and cons of each and every CMS. Each CMS is different so the pros and cons are different for each and every one of them. One thing may work in one cms but won’t work in another. Php Fusion Php Fusion is a great starter cms.  If you are just starting with a cms, this may …

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Different Methods to Convert PSD to WordPress

In present scenario of the web world, CMS platform is considered as one of the best time saving tools for managing the website content. WordPress is one such incredible CMS which is a widely used web solution. When we talk about the WordPress based website, PSD to WordPress conversion is the foremost activity that has to be done with extra …

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WordPress Tutorial – Problems and Solutions

For years, WordPress has become the most popular blogging software. It is easy to use, fast and felexible, plus it runs as an open source cms. It also updated, not just by WordPress team, but also by users who just enjoy customizing WordPress. While it is fun to customize a WordPress theme or something else on WordPress, any failure can …

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Which is Better Online Store CMS, WordPress or Joomla?

Many people have products they would like to sell. The big questions are how do you do it and what will it cost. For many people, the answer may lie in creating an online storefront to display and sell their products. Online stores are particularly well suited for selling digital or downloadable products. This includes ebooks, video tutorials, software, in …

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How to Master WordPress Quickly

With the right tools and resources, you can have a professional looking WordPress blog up and running quickly. Learning how to work with WordPress to create the site of your dreams doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. One of the most common mistakes that new WordPress users make is to go the free route with everything they do …

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WordPress Blog – It’s About Human Optimization Too

Probably the most important decision you have to do when working with your WordPress blog is the appearance.  Remember the WP theme you choose will be the first impression you make on your visitors, so you want to make a good and lasting impression.  A gripping theme of WP get visitors to stay, read its contents and buy their products. …

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