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Tag Archives: windows 2003 hosting

Measure a Domain’s SEO Levels

A lot of website owner has done so much things to improve their website SEO and sometimes they just out of idea why their website SEO is not improve at all, where is the problem, how should I improve it. This one could help website owner to find out more about their website SEO. There are a lot of tools …

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10 Joomla Security Extensions

Joomla is one of the most popular content management. Here are some extensions you need to consider for your joomla security related issue. JoomlaCloner JoomlaCloner is a backup and restore component designed for Joomla! User can clone their Joomla installation and move it to another location for backup. Security Images This extension provide 5 families of highly configurable captchas. It …

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How to Choose a Good Windows Web Hosting

There is one area of computing where Microsoft does not dominate, and that’s the web. Microsoft is the biggest and most important software company in the world, and it almost totally owns the corporate market. Web application development framework is used by a larger developer community to build dynamic websites. That Windows 2008 Web Hosting is an issue for anyone …

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Several Advantages Using Windows Hosting

When you are going to building your site, after have domain, you will start with a hosting provider too. Before you choose a hosting company, you should know their main types. You also should know what functions of hosting you will need. That’s the fact if you want get the right hosting provider and the right services that you need. …

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