Tuesday , 11 March 2025
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Your Web Host Location Affect Your Page Rank

Finding the most reliable and excellence web hosting is crucial to boost your website traffic. To have 99.9% uptime is one of the important key to get high ranked on Google search engine. If you site is at all times up and functional then it would allow Google crawlers index each and every page of your website. On the other hand, if your site is experienced frequent downtime, Google search engine can’t crawl your site and index any changes made to it. Therefore, all of your SEO efforts would go down the drain.

There are other factors in web hosting that can affect search engine result page (SERP)

1. Website Server Location

Your web hosting location will determine your page rank, because Google adjust the trend to check for server’s location, its IP address to turn the most relevant results in each country. This helped in determining a site’s relevancy for a specific region. With your host’s location it is assumed that your site is useful for users of that region and hence you receive higher rankings.

2. Spam Websites

Nowadays many web hosting company run a shared hosting. Sometimes their customers are spamming site as well. Although,  there is no obvious evident that spamming site could affect your site’s ranking position, but it is recommended to contact your web host if there are a lot of spamming or porn sites on your server as they invite you a lot of scrutiny from search engines that might affect your SERP.

To check who else is sharing your IP address, go to bing.com and search for ip:

3. Transfer to Another Web Host

Transfering to another web hosting company might have an effect on your page rank. If your web host is located in the same country, you need not worry much in this regard. This is so because your domain name is absolutely the same and though your IP address is going to change but it doesn’t matter as you belong to same country.

However, if you want to be extra cautious, you can set your DNA time/your TTL to be as low as 5 minutes, bring up your website on both locations for that time and switch to the new DNS. As far as you see that the Google bot is able to visit all your pages then you can probably assume that it has registered that DNS has changed to new IP address. However, if you fail to lower your DNS time to lower levels, ideally you should keep your website on both locations for almost 24 hours and switch to the new IP address. This way your site would see no effect whatsoever due to changes in the IP address.

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