Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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4 SEO Tips to Improve Your Content`s Visibility

Still worry about how your pages show in search engine? Applying right SEO tricks to your website will help to boost your pages` visibility and get higher rank in search engine. Black hat techniques are no longer works to get higher rank in Google search engine as they changed their algorithm already, but many SEO tricks that still work despite of the change. So, the best way to stay visible to Google`s crawlers is to have good content from most used or most popular keywords now. The more readers your content get, means you can get more traffic that will lead your website to get better search engine ranking. To help you out, here are four simple SEO tips to make your content more search engine-friendly.

1.      Post something

Sometimes it is hard for us to write new content to our websites. We have some ideas to write but too lazy to type. Admit it, because I can feel you.  Actually post new article daily is important for traffic building. Your content doesn`t need to be long paragraph to make search engine find you, just simple post is good enough. You can write about your website`s main keyword or other informative content that will useful for many readers. Well, if you still run out idea what to post here are some suggestions; post your recently snapped photos and write few words to describe it or you can read newspaper and write review or thoughts about current issue.

2.      Add tags

Do not forget to add couple of tags that are related to your post. It will help Google understands what your website is about, so Google can easily indexing your website. The tags must be specified and not too general to avoid confusion when the crawler indexing websites for certain search query.

3.      Follow other blogs

Maybe you assume it is not really important to follow other`s blog. But following and engaging with other website or blogger is easiest way to introduce your pages to larger community.  Follow at least three blogs or website that related to your website`s concern.

4.      Leave comments

Leave a comment in someone`s post is a nice act rather than be a silent reader. You can leave comment on your followed websites or blogs. Find article that is related to your website`s main keyword. Be sure to write substantial comment so there will be possibility of further conversation with the author or other visitors.

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