Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Blogging With MojoPortal

blogging with mojoportal

Early on the beginning, mojoPortal was intended for building a business website but as interests grow rapidly, more and more users look for mojoPortal as CMS for creating blogs.

mojoPortal is an open source that runs in .NET platform, uses C# and already has many followers. Mostly, because it is easy to install and update, also it has fast performance. The advantages of mojoPortal had made many bloggers fall for this CMS, especially for the simplicity of it. Bloggers can work on their blog’s contents fast and easy without the need to work on complicated features to have impressive blogs.

But if a blogger wish to have any particular features on his/her blog, it is possible to do that with mojoPortal. As long as the blogger has basic programming knowledge, creating certain feature will be quite easy. He/she only has to copy the configuration file of the new feature. This step will be very useful if you don’t find the skins (templates) that provided by mojoPortal matched your requirement. You can always modify them or create a new one.

Another benefit of mojoPortal is that you can install any Microsoft’s add-on into your mojoPortal blog since it uses ASP.NET platform that was created by Microsoft too. For example, you get inspired and want to write it down, but there is no internet connection available. This can be frustrating. The way out of this problem is by downloading the Windows Live Writer into your mojoPortal blog. This add-on is available for free from Microsoft.

If this add-on has already installed into your mojoPortal blog, you don’t have to worry anymore about not being able to write when internet connection is not available. Just write it down on this application as you usually do with your original blog, then save it as a draft. You can also insert images or videos, review what you have written with the preview button and edit it if necessary. And when you connect to the internet again, just click Publish and your writings will be uploaded to your mojoPortal blog. In addition, you can set a publish date, and mojoPortal will automatically make the articles public on the selected date.


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