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Is Joomla SEO Friendly?


Joomla has been very popular as an easy to use content management system (CMS) but some argued that this CMS is not a best bet in terms of search engine friendliness. Surely, that kind of view must come from people who don’t know how to optimize the power of this cms.

Perhaps Joomla is one of the best in the world has ever seen in terms of the CMS. And for skeptics perennial, Joomla can be search engines friendly whenever SEO managed by experts who know how to maximize search engine results for Joomla websites. Search Engine Optimization is an essential tool in the hands of marketers on the Internet and although it is generally believed that Joomla is perhaps the hardest to optimize search engines, however, it is possible that professionals know their work and have an in-depth knowledge of Joomla CMS.

The smart cookies will lead you to think that CMS is not search engine friendly. It is simply for the reason that they are not comfortable with the optimization a content management system. Contrary to claims that Google does not like the CMS and blogs, in fact, the top ranking sites are those that run on the popular CMS like Joomla and blogs. A conventional system is certainly not a prerequisite for a higher search engine ranking .

Returning to the question of whether Joomla, in particular, is a better option for SEO than their traditional counterparts, will not be out of place to reflect on some of the characteristics inherently loaded into Joomla.

  1. More visible URLs: Search Engine friendly URLs that end with .html or .htm and don’t have a ‘?’ or other special characters is one of the hallmarks of Joomla.
  2. Customizable Title and Meta tags: Each page can be easily customized for Title and Meta tags to avoid duplication, which is viewed negatively by popular Search Engines. You have the power with a unique menu system that makes the task of customizing easier.
  3. Header Tags feature: You are given carte blanche to make changes to the template system versatile and easy to add the heading tags.
  4. Custom Error Page 404: A custom 404 error page has become the order of the day, especially when surfers are bored with the same error message reproduced on websites. With Joomla, you can modify this vital page and also keep track of broken links which is used to navigate your site.
  5. Nofollow: Joomla lets you to use the Nofollow, which tells search engines not to rank the pages as well as the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and other similar sites essential but not optimized.
  6. Newsletter: Newsletter is an important element of a successful business website. You can stay in touch with your customers and prospects with this feature, which can be integrated through a custom extension bulletin on your Joomla site.
  7. Blogs: Blogs offer a unique tone to your custom approach to your target traffic. Blogs that are well written and optimized not only would attract more traffic to your website, but also increases the willingness of your product / service. Joomla offers easy to use tools for users to publish their blogs on the Internet without much effort.
  8. Sitemap: With Joomla component or extension, a map of your website can be generated automatically. This map could be based on HTML or XML based. Presentation of Google Map, Yahoo and other popular search engines, it is helpful, however, will help index your site quickly.
  9. RSS Feeds: RSS (or ‘Really Simple Syndication’) feeds represent the most commonly used edge technology that allow a web page owner to continually refresh website content without having to make regular updates of content. These foods are very popular search engines such as MSN, Yahoo News, etc, as they offer easy to use RSS feeds of search results. SEO experts are experts in the integration of RSS feeds according to your Joomla website.
  10. Link Exchange and other software: For fans of traditional SEO, Joomla has the ability to offer several programs to exchange links that can be easily added to your site. This software will automate the process of exchanging links and help promote your site aggressively on the Internet. Similarly, Joomla provides third party software in order to address the specific concerns of the most common requirements of web sites such as shopping cart, user registration, etc.

You can now start your own online content management portal with all the great features installed with Joomla CMS.
It is advisable to find a reliable Joomla hosting providers in order to receive the better support for Joomla hosting and applications.
You may contact SeekDotNet.com at http://www. seekdotnet.com/contactus.aspx on obtaining your own Joomla hosting account today!

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