Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Forbidden Things in Blogging

In internet blogging, it is true that we are allowed to do some promotions with other users, give some feedback in comments box, and ask questions related to the posts which we have read because there are supportive facilities in it. But, still, bloggers have their own rules to be good users which do not irritate other users. Here are some things which may not be done.

Be a Good User

We can do blogging without any basic knowledge since blogging is not only flexible but also easy to start with. All we have to do is to make an email account which later will be verified to our blogging account. Later, we only need to post anything which we like then attract many visitors with the same passion to read our posts. But, are there really no rules at all?

Well, you can invite as many visitors as you want for your personal blog. But, you have to consider the ways on how you invite them. It is true that we can write anything as we want in comments column. However, we are strictly forbidden to post link continuously on it. So, if you want to promote your blogs by inviting other users, it is much better if you tell some interesting points about your blog, rather than just copy and paste the URL. Too much copy and paste URL will be detected by the web as spamming activity, and finally your blogs will be deleted.

In addition, it is true that a blog can also be a media to express ourselves. But, we should also post qualified articles. Do not only write as much as we want without considering the quality of our own articles. Besides that, if we re-post some data, quotes, images, or anything which are not originally from us, always remember to write the source. The source can be in the form of the name of the original author, a book title completed with which pages we quote, and sort of.

Do not change template too often. It seems a trivial thing, because we can customize our blogs freely to attract the visitors. But, do you know that changing templates too much can cause your blogs to be put into sandbox? Sandbox will cause your blogs to be blocked. Those are some warnings for us to be well-mannered bloggers.

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