Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Few Tips to Secure Your Blog

If you have created your personal blog, of course you want it to be recognized by many people throughout the world. But, you must also be careful, just in case the visitors are not the real ones. In other words, you will never know whether the users click on your web page merely for visiting and dropping some positive feedback as you wish, or are they the hackers which like to damage your personal blog without any particular reasons. Do not worry, I have some strategies to deal with them.

Prevent Hacker’s Actions

There are many hacker’s actions to make a mess of your personal blog. Let us start from a simple one, for example, one of your posts have been changed by them for fun, without attacking the main database or deleting other files. So, all you have to do is to change all of the passwords both of your account in C-Panel or hosting position and your personal blog account. In addition, you can also install some security plugins to protect your web page more.

Other action is when the hacker gives some HTML, PHP, or Java Script codes on your blog. So, those formats will attack every file according to its name of the format. The codes are usually like this: <scrxpt>src=></scrxpt>

About PHP script, the codes are generally turn out like this: eval(base_decode(nameofthefiles));?><?php. The Java Script error is almost the same as the PHP one, but the file format is .js. Be careful if the hacker puts those codes on your web pages because the search engine will think that your blogs contain malicious scripts or malware. In conclusion, the hacker puts those codes on your pages so that they will also appear while your blogs are loading the contents.

Due to this matter, change all of your passwords once more. After that, download all the folders including the files from the hosting server to your computer. You can do it using File Zilla application. Next, scan the whole data to find out what files which have been infected by the badware. Do not be hurry to eliminate the infected file, but quarantine them first, so in the future, we can repair those kinds of file not to be infected anymore. Finally, restore the infected files one by one into their folders, then eliminate the malicious script codes.

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