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Should We Activate Automatic Update in WordPress?

Automatic Update in WordPress is a feature that is owned by WordPress CMS. Somehow, it can give some benefits for us and it can be annoying as well. The benefit that we can get from this feature is that we can increase the security aspects in WordPress from any problems or threats that we are never expected. However, this automatic update feature can be annoying as well. From us who always do some changes on files that are located at the main WordPress directory like wp-content, wp-includes and many other we have to do some changes again after we were updating the WordPress version. That is why; if we don’t need this feature so much we have to make it inactive.

To inactive this automatic update feature we can use a plugin. However, some people and experts recommend that it is better for not using that plugin. Why? It is because without that plugin we can still use the automatic WordPress update disable. Too much using plugin will make the WordPress loading is too heavy. Below are some ways that we can do to inactive this Automatic Update feature in WordPress CMS.

Actually, there are two kinds of WordPress Update; the Update Notification and Automatic Update. The Update notification feature from WordPress is a notification that a new WordPress is available and there is a different version with a version that we used. The example is from the WordPress 4.1 to WordPress 4.2 and more. Then we can update that WordPress automatically or manually.

Meanwhile, the automatic update from WordPress is a feature where there is the newest version from WordPress, WordPress CMS will update it automatically. In this feature, we will not find any notification to aware or notice us like that we can find at the Update Notification feature. In the other words we can say that this feature we just need less codes and we don’t need to use any plugins as well. We can find the code to disable the notification WordPress Update from Internet. If you had already gotten the code, you can insert it on functions.php theme that you use. It can be done through cPanel Hosting or wp-admin WordPress dashboard. After adding that code, the process for stopping the WordPress Update notification is done.

The next thing that we will explain is about how to disable the WordPress Automatic Update. When WordPress did some changes or renewed a version that was already launched generally WordPress will not give any notifications for its users first. It means WordPress will do it automatically. That is why; it can be really beneficial, but at the other side it can be annoying. To disable this feature, you can find the code that you can get from some sources like from some article or internet. Those are some things that we can share about the automatic update from WordPress. So, should we activate automatic update in WordPress? The answer is depending on your needs.

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