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What ALS Ice Bucket Challenge can Teach Us about Marketing

If you work closely to social media, you must aware that Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon has swept the internet with people willingly soaked their body with cold water. From businessman to top Hollywood celebrities, this viral campaign has touched a lot of people to take part of the movement willingly without no doubt. This is what we called as social media power.

If soaking your own body with bucket full of water and ice cubes is not your style, and you are a digital marketer, there are certain things you can learn about this phenomenon. You can see hoe ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has proved that the right viral campaign can lead to worldwide success. And it can happen to your own business if you know how it works. So, here it is!

The ALS`s Ice Bucket Challenge was created to raise the awareness and for funding the research of the disease called Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease that up to this second has no specific treatment and medicine to prevent and cure it. Through unique viral campaign, this program has raised the donation money to more than $50 million. For information, this campaign is still 3 weeks old.

Then the question for marketers is how a simple act of viral campaign can make change? How people attracted to this campaign. Since it has no prize, no thank-you gift, no appreciation then why people still willing to do that? Even the giant tech owner, Bill Gates did the challenge. So here is three main points you, digital marketers can learn about how simple viral campaign can teach us about today`s marketing.

Video is great medium
People know Ice Bucket Challenge from the video uploaded on internet. They also use video to ask other three friends to do the same within 24 hours and ask people to donate to the organization. This simple thing has caught so many eyes these past weeks. The point from this explanation is you need to create great video to introduce your brand.

Instagram and Vine offered you video features to satisfy your audience for more good videos of your brand or business. Twitter and Facebook also has compatible for video-sharing too which makes a lot of social media users like to watch video. You can use video feature on social media you have to introduce more about your brand. Be as creative as possible and it can lure people to watch it and want to know deeper about your business, your product. The end results? Build brand awareness as well as make your business more visible and yes increase the sales.

Keep the Rules Simple
What makes this challenge unique is that people can adapt it on their own condition and rules. People can throw the bucket full of ice water at the back yard, swimming pool, bath room or on live broadcast. Oh yes don`t mention if popular variety show Saturday Night Live (SNL) has done it live. See how the sense of ownership of this challenge for every people makes them feel good and create unique content. This is called User generated Content (UGC) which you can employ to do the same with your campaign. You can create video advertising that will make your customers do their own version of the ads. Think out of the box!

Public Enthusiasm: Free Celebrity endorsement
If you think your business is not have strong financial yet so you can`t hire top Hollywood celebrity to pose as your brand ambassador, see how Ice Bucket Challenge is now popular within the celebrities! Again, the flexibility and the sense of owning this challenge make people get creative with the contents. With many people tweet their lovely idols through social media to do the challenge and basically it is celebrity role to gain the awareness of good cause, they are willing to do it, at the end, with no push, no contract, no money included just their feeling as human being.

From public enthusiasm, celebrities start to take control of it and its circle won`t lose since they keep mention 3 friends to do the same. See how Bill Gates built his own pulley-bucket system, or Mark Zuckerberg who did it on his backyard with bucket full of ice or even Benedict Cumberbatch that interpret the scenario into five different soaking idea.

See if you can have top celebrity do the campaign of your product with no contract or payment needed but just because they feel the need to join the movement. Go challenge yourself to create as this unique campaign whether to introduce your brand, promote it or just to be part of brand awareness program. At least, ice bucket challenge shows us how social media can be great place to start something new, big and unique.

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