Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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Bad and Irritating Things for Your Website

Website and visitors is two things that will not be separated. With visitors, you will gain popularity for your website, and especially if you have e-commerce website, the visitors are target of your market. But, not all people know how to treat visitor nicely, even so many people create their websites with old and ordinary way, make bad and irritating things come when the visitors click their websites. It will make visitors say goodbye to your website as soon as they can click ‘close’ sign. So here are bad and irritating things you must keep away from your website.

Captchas are probably one of the most irritating things on the web after popups. However, even if you don’t care if your visitors leave your site mad or not, captchas have one other side effect that can really hurt the visitors. And this is more than you can take because it hits you straight in the pocket. In the worst case, the most annoying thing about captcha is that when they are not implemented properly, there is data loss. Consider the case when your captcha is next to illegible and when after the captcha is filled incorrectly, all the data on the form is wiped out and the mad user has to start from scratch. What do you think about it? How many of the users will bother to refill the form just to buy something from you, for example?

Spam, for example, comes from weird comments on your website. Spam is not only will make you mad as a website creator, but also will make the visitors judge your website as the bad website. With all the spams exist on the posts or contents, visitors will think twice to visit your website again, or probably they will not want to see your domain of website at all.

Of course, it’s a very bad thing to attack your website. Visitors will not want to visit your website if they get a virus warning on their computers. The virus is not only bad thing, if you seriously want to join social online marketing, the website with virus indication will make your business totally dead and that means you must to start the website all over. Again.

Click once, but get two new windows
Visitors will feel bad and mad when they click your site and two news windows suddenly appear. And it’s totally a kind of spam too, but most people don`t like it.

Automatic Song
When they visit your website and suddenly a song appears on your website. Well, it can be a good idea but also can be a bad one. It’s a good idea if the visitors like the song you install to your website, but if they prefer silence way when through your website, the idea of automatic song will just make they click “close” for your website immediately.

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