Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Save Your Domain Names from Hijackers

It is shocking that many business people don’t take a good care of their domain name registrations. Seems like they don’t know how important a domain name is. Although losing domain name happens frequently but many business owners seem don’t pay enough attention on this vital element of their business website.

Main advice for business owners to always keep in mind is NEVER register your domain name year to year. As domain name registration is very cheap that doesn’t mean it less important for your company. You’d better protect your domain name and don’t register it for a year at a time.

Wrong treatment to domain name like ignore emails from registrar or unsubscribe to them altogether are two more examples. If you continue doing these, there are some problems you will encounter. The following are problems you will have to face:
Domain Squatters

Domain squatters probably now have a pending order of your domain. Just after your domain expired, with very little money, the whole hard work you have put on your website building will become theirs. They will have your search engine listing and all of your traffic.

If you have a domain that little known or specific, don’t be so sure that your domain are save from the domain squatters. For them, your domain is still valuable even if they can resell it. Most of the time, they will use your domain as a link to their SEO clients. Than your customers or website users will be directed to some unknown sites.

After your domain expired and they own it, your domain will be going for a bid. Cost of the bid sometimes reached up to $500-$1000. My advice for you, don’t get pissed off, just stay polite and professional. Since it’s legal to hijack a domain when it expired, it will be useless to oppose them. Worst you will lose your domain, but they are only out of $10.

Getting Your Domain Back Is a Hassle

More reason why you should treat your domain name registration is you need hard work to get it back. If you decide to buy a new domain name, you are still not free from the squatters. They will do lots of things to get your attention and make you pay for your old domain. They may map your domain to porn sites, gambling sites or landing pages that loudly announce “This Website is Closed Because the Owner Doesn’t Pay His Bills”.

Website and Email Interruptions

Your website will go down soon after your domain expires, including your email. It won’t be up immediately after you paid the hosting company. It will take hours to get control of your domain and map the DNS. If there’s any other error, it will take longer. Imagine how it ruin your business, worst thing can happen, you have to shut down your online business. And the one left to blame is no one else but you!

Recovery Fees

Web hosting companies usually give their customers up to 30 days to reclaim their expired domain names. Although this may sounds like a good solution, they will cost about $80.

With business, customers and competitors to worry about, it’s a good decision to not renew your domain name registration annually. You can go minimum for five years or ideally go for ten years. Domain names are cheap and sometimes there are discounted rate for multi-year registrations, so why would you take the chances of losing it?

To get your multi-year domain name registrations and support, log on to and save your domain name from hijackers.

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