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How to Increase Your Domain Authority for Your Site

When you have an online business, getting your site on the search engine’s top lists on the first page will be the main priority. It is related to the SEO implementation and practice. But you should remember that SEO is complex and there are many aspects involved in it. One of them is the DA (Domain Authority), a web metric that can determine your success in improving search engine’s ranking.

Understanding More about DA

DA is basically about scoring or grading, estimating a website rank so it will succeed in Google rank – or search engines in general. If your site has high DA grade, it is highly likely that will also rank high in the search engine result. As it was mentioned before, DA and SEO are related to one another. After all, you want to get the highest rank as possible in any search engine, don’t you? But how do you do it?

  1. SEO Strategy

Don’t forget that SEO elements are still crucial for this practice. You still need to pay attention to permalink structure, keyword density, page titles, heading tags, keyword placement, meta description, and such thing alike. Without this strategy, forget about boosting your DA as it will be a futile attempt.

  1. Quality Content

Sure, visual appeal may be appealing to the eye but content should be your major priority. Without quality content, forget about bringing traffic to the site. People come to the internet to look for information; to look for a new knowledge. If they can’t learn anything from your site, then what’s the use of coming from the first place?

The contents shouldn’t be too short. But overly long contents can be boring. Restrict your contents to 800 words of articles – 1000 words should be the max. Accompanying the contents with images or videos can make it more interesting. But then again, make sure that you have strong connection and the loading speed supports your activities with the images and videos. Never imitate or copy other people’s contents. Come with something original and informative.

  1. Smart Internal Linking

If you want to increase the DA score, you should consider internal linking. Is it okay to link to some of your older posts? Sure, why not? By combining the current posts and the older ones, you can create more comprehensive information. But make sure that the topic is relevant. If your current post is about interior décor tips, linking it to your old posts about cars will be irrelevant.

In short, you need to be smart and strategic about your website management. If you can do it flawlessly and smoothly, the bots from the search engine have easier way to crawl the contents. Moreover, the linking can improve the Page Authority as well as the link juice, making it easier for the search engine to navigate to your web.

You can’t expect an overnight result. If you want to improve traffic and the success of your online site, you need to combine logical and well-planned strategy, smart moves, informative and great contents, and also patience. It is really about a combination of the great things.

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