Tuesday , 22 October 2024
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Basic Security of Domain Name

Obtain a domain name is crucial especially when it is related to your business. But security is an issue that business people often failed to notice.

The security threat one regularly experienced in relation to domain names is someone obtaining access to the account and directing the name elsewhere or attempt to send it to another party. While violation like these can usually be easily repaired, a domain that has been adjusted to an unpleasant site might not only mean a loss of profits, but also big reputation impairment.


Registrants use common passwords frequently or very short passwords that can be easily guessed – a very common one is ‘password’. The best password is one that used a lot of characters and different combinations of characters which would make password hard to track. The addition of numbers and a mix of lower and upper case characters can make it even harder to decode. Even using numbers and characters, you can still have a password that you can remember.

In fact it is a very good idea to have a complex password you can bear in mind as writing it down somewhere can cause you a security threat.

Access control

Sometimes passwords are passed around staff members in a business and this carry another basic security threat. Domain name account login details should only be given to staffs who really need to know and they must be ordered not to share with anyone else for any reason.

Order anyone with access to your account that if they should make any changes to the domain name record, they must inform you either prior to the event to have permission or in the case where this is not needed, to notify you when and what changes were made.

It is necessary to always detect who has the login details and if a staff member commended with your login information should resign from your company, immediately change the password – don’t wait as you will likely forget.

Contact email addresses

The email address you stated as the administrative contact point for your domain name account should be not related with the domain name and it should be hosted with different service altogether, such as your ISP. It should be an account that only you and your most trusted associates or staff have access to.

Keep contact details up to date

If you having a major problem and you need to access your domain name account quickly, if you can’t remember your password and the email address linked with your domain account is no longer works, you won’t receive a password reminder or reset email. Moreover, if another person in your organization registered the name on your behalf and they are no longer work for you, you may need to provide additional identification for security purposes to gain access again. These delays are ones you cannot afford if your account had been settled in some way.

Watch for changes

Monitor any changes to your domain name record details by checking regularly, either by logging into your account or using a WhoIs service. Look for changes to the ‘last modified’ date which may signified someone else has log on to the account and made changes since your last login – something worth investigating.

While required to concern yourself with domain name security issues may seem like an extra responsibility in your already very hectic day, a minor of anticipation worth a major of cure.

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