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How to Get Your CMS Site to be more secured

CMS Security System

The most important factor that is considered to some businessmen about their website is not only about the benefits, but also protection. It is reasonable because we always heard that a website is hacked by stranger and it cannot be operated again. That is why; we have to know some tips in how to get your CMS site to be more secured. Check those tips below.

  1. Use the Secret Password

We knew that password is a secret thing that must be really protected. Unfortunately, many people are still not aware about the importance of a password. Most people are still using or making password with not unique words, easy to guess and not personal like the date of their birthday, private name, admin, 123456 and many more examples. That is why; it is better to make a complicated password, contains some combination of numbers, letters and unique thing. It is also better for making longer password with 8 characters for the minimum value. It will make your password is not easy to guessed.

  1. Always Update

It is better for using CMS for your site or the newest plugin and make sure that it is always updated. It is because sometimes websites can be broken or error because it uses the old type of software that is never updated.

  1. Limit the Users’ Access

If your website or cms site allows some people to access (login) for operating your business, it is better to limit the access of those people based on their own roles for anticipating the negative impact and broken that you don’t want to have. As an example, if there is a work partner that has to manage the marketing aspect, do not give him an access for managing the other aspect than he marketing to decrease the risk of negative impact and broken.

  1. Change the Default Setting

Default Setting is a setting that had already made automatically by the factory where a device or software is made. In fact, many hackers take the advantage of the default setting to hack a CMS site. That is why; starting from now it is better to change the default setting of your site and change it with your own setting.

  1. Installing SSL Certificate

It is really important if you run the company site. Most business website uses the PII or Personal Identifiable Information. By installing the SSL certificate, the customers or visitors information data through the data information sending process will be more secure. It is because the SSL Certificate works by encrypting the communication between server and browser that can avoid the traffic block.

  1. Backup Data

Backup is really important to protect the cms site data because we know that data is the most important aspect for a cms site. You have to do the backup in scalable time or you can use the scheduled time setting for this data backup. It will make your cms site is more secure.

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