Wednesday , 12 March 2025
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Classic ASP Hosting is Still Popular for Many People

Many people are using ASP Web Hosting. Why are they still using the classic ASP Hosting instead of the new and powerful ASP.NET. ASP.NET has XML-based components, there are also a lot of applications, tips and tricks, and tutorials available for classic ASP.

ASP Hosting, unlike ASP.NET, is running under the IIS process space, otherwise knows as inetinfo.exe. It is prone to crashes and can also force the IIS to be restarted. Classic ASP does not know how to operate on non-Microsoft platforms (for example on the Apache server) whereas ASP.NET is fully capable of doing so. ASP only supports JavaScript and VBScript as scripting languages while ASP.NET can work with all .NET languages.

ASP.NET does not allow this and instead uses the code-behind technique. There another strong side of classic ASP is the threading model. The threading model is Single Threaded Apartment (STA) and the ASP worker thread is contained in its own STA. ASP.NET uses the MTA (Multiple Threaded Apartment) which forces developers to take extra precautions. ASP.NET Hosting have a several versions such as ASP.NET 1.1 Hosting, ASP.NET 2 Hosting, ASP.NET 3.5 Hosting

So why do people still use ASP instead of the more powerful ASP.NET ? Well, one cause would be the knowledge. You need a lot more basic knowledge to work in ASP.NET than you need in classic ASP. Even low level things seem hard to do in ASP.NET hosting. Many people recommend classic ASP to average users because they don’t need any of the new features and the performance is almost the same. Only large corporations truly have to work with ASP.NET hosting to gain scalability in their technology.

If you require more information about Classic ASP Hosting, please visit at


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