Friday , 26 July 2024
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Classic ASP Hosting

5 Essential Factors of a Good Web Hosting Plan

There are many things to consider when choosing a web hosting plan. The five most important are listed below. 1. Disk Space/Storage 2. Data Transfer 3. Cost 4. Programming Languages 5. Support

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Frequently Asked Question About BlogEngine.NET

Short Brief About BlogEngine.NET BlogEngine allows you to have your site instantly set up with blog easily. A small download and easy to follow instructions get you up and running in minutes. You can choose from various themes or make your own theme. Extend the functionality by creating your own custom control or add some of the many built into …

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ASP Web Hosting & Classic ASP Hosting, What are the differences?

Development of the worldwide web continues to arise and it becomes essential for all business to have a website. As the requirement increasing, the improvement of the types of hosting also happened. One of the main types in web hosting are known as  ASP.  ASP hosting or what is called the Active Server Page hosting was made by Microsoft. There …

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ASP Hosting is a Profitable Business

ASP hosting is actually the Windows services for web hosting. This type of web hosting was configured to provide people looking for acquire active web pages. ASP or Active Server Pages was planned to go with Microsoft’s IIS server application program. While ASP is a popular scripting technology used global, people prefer for it at a faster pace. Currently ASP.NET …

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Why People Still Using ASP

Did you know that a lot of people are still using ASP hosting? These are within reason out strange due to the popularity of .NET. Why are they still applying the classic rather than the modern and powerful ASP.NET 3.5 hosting? First off, .NET has XML-based parts, better language support and user authentication, and a large arrange by new commands. …

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Classic ASP Hosting is Still Popular for Many People

Many people are using ASP Web Hosting. Why are they still using the classic ASP Hosting instead of the new and powerful ASP.NET. ASP.NET has XML-based components, there are also a lot of applications, tips and tricks, and tutorials available for classic ASP. ASP Hosting, unlike ASP.NET, is running under the IIS process space, otherwise knows as inetinfo.exe. It is …

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